Gary Luke

Approaching Meng Yang Pass

AtTheHoochWithFriendsAt the hooch with friends.
Loveday, Gray, Nolette, Luke (me)

Davis Luke Nolette 1969
Gary Davis With Tiger Killed By Scout Team

Glen_Gary_LukeMy twin brother Glen and I.  He stopped by to check out how the Cavalry lives.  Had  a good visit and a great time.

GoodTimesWithMyFriendsGood times with my friends.
L to R  Loveday, Sindel, Davis (front), Sissone, ?, ?, ?, Luke (me), Kiewel, Nolette.

Got My Promotion Notice Sp4 Insignia

HomeSweetHomeThis is my country villa.  Near the cambodian border.

JustHangingRoundWithFriendsJust hanging round with friends.
Davis, ?, Loveday, Luke

Lift CE Working Hard

LukeShavinNothing like a shave first thing in the morning.

M60OnGuardM60 on Guard
View from the guard house out over perimeter on Christmas Day 1969

MeAndMyShipMe and my ship.  Yes I was the one that kept it flying.

Results Of A Hard Landing

SandbagFigured I’ld start with a picture of me standing in fron of my condo.  Now, I realize this doesn’t look like pure luxury, but its home.

Sapper_AttackSapper Attack
Luke, Nolette, Davis evaluating the damage

WasACobra2I know it hard to tell, but this was a Cobra once.

WasALOH269This one was once a LOH (OH6A)
No way to treat such noble ships.

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